We worked with our customer KARGO in New York to create replica letters from their logo, which was to float outside the prestigious Belles Rives Hotel in Cannes for the Cannes Lions event this week. KARGO hosted a private party and were very excited and happy with the end product in situ. The inflatable letters were designed with a clear base so that the letters looked as if they were floating unsupported in the water.
We can create letters in the style of a font or logo from just 50cm tall to 10 metres. They can be ground based, helium filled or floating on the water like these. Letters are an easy to install product and visually impacting with the added benefit of being such a unique way of showing your brand at these high end events that is relatively cost effective.
KARGO’s CEO stated that he was ‘over the moon’ with the letters and they had plenty of comments about how impressive they looked. Glow have worked with lots of customers for their events at Cannes this year so we are looking forward to seeing more of our work on display in the beautiful area in France.