Our latest inflatable product replica was created for ‘The Big Squeeze’ in Texas, USA. We were asked to manufacture a giant inflatable Lemonade Cup for our customer that also lighted up at night. In true Glow style we set about designing a 10ft high inflatable cup that has an internal lighting system for our customer to use at night. It was mounted on top of the Lemonade van to attract the attention of passers by. We worked closely with out customer to ensure he had everything needed from both a design aspect as well as the relevant tether points and power requirements for the fan and LED which were both internal to the inflatable.
Custom Inflatable products that replicate your product, character, animal or brand can be designed and installed by the Glow Team worldwide. We are looking forward to hearing about your inflatable requirements so we can put your thoughts into action with your own custom inflatable product or shape for that perfect photo opportunity or bringing in new customers.