We are proud to present a range of bags that were produced by Wyatt & Jack for famous brand Swizzels who we supplied pool floats to in 2019, we had a few floats that had print defects which were pulled from the order so rather than these going into landfill, as part of our up-cycling programme we asked Wyatt & Jack to make some bags from them and gifted these to our client. The bags looked incredible and will be used for staff at Swizzels as gifts to encourage them to be Green by using a Swizzels branded bags for life. The team at Swizzels are also considering asking their customer to send the floats when no longer is use back so they can ensure their end of life is as a bag rather than the ground.

Any of our inflatables can be turned into bags, rather than throwing your inflatable into landfill as we can send them for up-cycling. We want to encourage our customers to think sustainably and are constantly looking at ways we can make inflatables in a greener way.

Our partnership with Wyatt & Jack is just one of the ways in which we are thinking more sustainably here at Glow, and we hope to have a totally new way in which inflatables are made very soon, which will mean custom inflatables are not only lightweight and cost effective but also a greener way to advertise.

Head over to Wyatt & Jack’s website to check out there other range of bags! https://www.wyattandjack.com/